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Linking to FAA Social Media

The information on this page is designed to help you, as a content owner, add links to FAA social media on your web page. All staff and contractors who develop content for web pages or applications for FAA websites must follow these standards.

Basic Guidelines

When adding a link to FAA social media, follow these basic guidelines:

  • Link should only be added to a page that is contextually relevant; that is, a page that is enhanced by a link to social media.
  • Link must go to a specific FAA Facebook post or FAA YouTube video posted by one of the accounts below.
  • Link must be in the body of the page (not in the left navigation area or the right column)

DO NOT include a link to a FAA social media account main page. The footer in the and MyFAA standard templates contains links to all FAA social media accounts. Please make sure that your site uses the standard footer.

DO NOT show a social media feed. You cannot incorporate a social media feed in your page. However, you can link to the following pages:

  • News which contains the FAA Twitter feed.
  • Stay Connected which contains all FAA social media feeds.

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Following are examples of links to FAA social media. Do not format links to FAA social media as exit links. For example, when a user clicks a link to a social media post or video, the content should appear immediately, without the "You are about to leave" popup.

To add a link to a… Do one of these… NOT one of these…
FAA Facebook post See [post title here] on Facebook!

YouTube video See [YouTube video title here] on YouTube!

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The FAA social media accounts may be promoted through ads as long as they meet the following requirements.

  • Ads can only be placed on contextually relevant pages as determined by the web liaison and supported by web analytics data.
  • Ads must fit within the FAA template guidelines.
  • Ads must be approved by the FAA Office of Communications (AOC). AOC graphic artists are available to help you develop your ad.

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Following is information from social media vendors on how to properly use their brands and logos.

Social Media Account Usage Guidelines
Facebook Facebook Brand Permissions Center – Usage Guidelines
YouTube Guidelines for Third Party Use of Google Brand Features

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Page last modified: September 12, 2012 10:31:35 AM EDT