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FAA's Web Content Management System (CMS)

In fiscal year 2014, we migrated to a content management system (CMS) for the MyFAA website. This CMS simplified adding and updating content, improved function, and modernized our web program.

By the end of 2015, we will migrate to a CMS for We will use this page to announce updates and resources as we prepare for the migration. Contact us if you have any questions. Migration Resources

We are coordinating with the FAA web liaisons to send out information and get feedback during the various phases of this project. The following resources will be helpful in reviewing content and understanding the monumental effort in updating

Things to Know

  • will keep its website address (
  • If you have saved bookmarks or shortcuts, you may need to update them because we will be reorganizing some information in new categories. We will keep you updated about this process.
  • Some FAA content and web applications, such as FAA TV, will migrate at a later date. So, users may go back and forth between sites.

Process for Adding & Updating Web Content

Already have a working relationship with AOC?

If our office has been handling your web content updates, you will continue to work with AOC. (If you wish to manage your own content, please see "Would you like to post and manage your content?")

Please continue to follow this process:

Never worked with AOC before?

If you previously worked directly with a web developer in your LOB/SO to add or update web content, you will now be working with AOC, at least initially. (If you wish to manage your own content, please see "Would you like to post and manage your content?")

Please follow this process:

Would you like to post and manage your content?

Web liaisons will work within their LOB/SO to coordinate CMS account access and training. If you wish to post and manage your own content, please complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the publisher account form (PDF). Identify the main areas (URLs) you wish to manage and who should have author access.
  2. Email the completed form to your web liaison.
  3. Expect the CMS training coordinator to follow up with an invitation to a future training event.

Help Us Improve All Web Content

If you find an issue with a page, let us know.

For example, please alert us if you find:

  • Broken links
  • Typos
  • Display issues

In addition, we welcome any other feedback you may have, including general ideas for how we can improve the website.

Page last modified: March 26, 2015 1:49:25 PM EDT