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Use Links Wisely

Links to non-federal websites must be closely evaluated. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) policy states that agencies must:

  • Limit external linking to information or services necessary for the proper performance of an agency function.
  • Take reasonable steps to make sure the linked information is accurate, reliable, timely, and complete.
  • Be cautious and thoughtful about using links to commercial organizations or interest groups to avoid implied endorsements.

All links must support the FAA's mission, help the visitor understand the content, and may not duplicate other information on the FAA website. A good example of an approved non-federal link is to a formal FAA partner. For example, Aviation Education has a formal partnership with the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) and links to the Aviation Education page on the EAA website.

We reserve the right to deny or remove any link that contains misleading information, unsubstantiated claims, or conflicts with FAA's mission or policies.

How to List Links

When using a list of links, list them in alphabetical order unless:

  • Links intentionally follow chronological or statistical order.
  • Links intentionally lead the user through a logical sequence. For example:
    • Passenger health and safety
    • Child safety seats
    • Baggage size requirements

If the list has more than seven links, break it into two or more lists.

Test Your Links

You must test all links on a webpage to ensure the URL is current and the information in the linked page loads (displays) in a reasonable amount of time. A long load time frustrates visitors who use slow modems. Limit the size of your webpages to fewer than 100kb.

Review Your Links

You must review links often to ensure they continue to add value – and continue to work. Never link to a website that:

  • Promotes or endorses specific products or services.
  • Displays hate, bias, or discrimination.
  • Endorses one political party over another (for more information, refer to the Hatch Act for Federal Employees.
  • Violates federal ethics policies.

Page last modified: May 21, 2010 10:29:09 AM EDT