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Meet Information Quality Requirements

The public must be able to trust and have confidence that the content posted on federal government websites is current, accurate, and useful. You can have confidence that the content you are responsible for meets the requirements by getting back to basics. Ask yourself:

  • Does the reader need this information?
  • Is the information easy to read and understand?
  • Is there a simpler way to say something?
  • Can I keep up with the information I'm responsible for?

The last bullet point is key — if you have pages and pages of content, will you have time to do a thorough review at least once every six months to ensure you continue to meet the Information Quality Requirements?

Keep in mind — as one content management expert writes — "it's not about getting a lot of stuff up, it's about getting the right stuff up."

Page last modified: December 28, 2009 4:02:20 PM EST