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Submit a Request to Add or Update Web Content

In the past, you may have worked directly with a web developer in your LOB/SO to add or update content. Now, at least initially, you will be working with the Office of Communications (AOC) for your Web needs.

As time goes on (and depending on the relationship your LOB/SO may already have in place with AOC), your Web Liaison will be identifying individuals in your LOB/SO to be trained as CMS content editors who can then handle most of your web content needs.

If you are a MyFAA content owner, please follow the processes below to make your requests.

If you already have an established working relationship with AOC's content team, meet with your AOC contact to discuss your process moving forward.

For more information about this transition, see: FAA's Web Content Management System (CMS)

What to do first

  1. Review the standards, requirements, usability principles, best practices, and other resources that are available on our Web Management site. Make sure to familiarize yourself particularly with the material for Content Owners.
  2. Register as a content owner for the pages or sections of MyFAA you are responsible for.
  3. Get to know your Web Liaison. Set up a meeting, describe the work your office does, and let your Web Liaison know about your office's priorities. Most web work will involve your Web Liaison.
  4. Get to know your AOC Web Management Team. We are here to help!

What do you need?

Please select one of the following:

For this type of request... See:
My update must be posted immediately Time-sensitive or urgent updates
I want to update existing page(s) for which I am the content owner Routine webpage updates
I need to add new pages or sections, overhaul existing pages, or merge or move content Major web projects

Additional reasons to contact us

Time-sensitive or urgent updates

If your update includes critical information that must be posted as quickly as possible, follow the steps below.

Unless your request is related to an emerging safety issue (for example, due to bad weather or a health emergency), associated with a date or time in the very near future, or critical for Agency operations, we cannot consider it to be time-sensitive or urgent. Please know that we make every effort to deliver all work in a timely manner.

To request an urgent update

  1. As soon as you are aware of the emerging issue, contact your Web Liaison.
  2. Your Web Liaison will contact our office at ' to alert us about what is needed and who our points of contact will be.
  3. We will work with you and the Web Liaison to develop or edit the content, figure out the best location for the content, and make sure the content is posted quickly.

Routine webpage updates

Use this process if you are the content owner and need to make the following types of updates to an existing webpage:

  • Light editing – This includes adding, revising, replacing, or deleting text, links, or images
  • Adding, deleting, or updating files (such as PDFs) that are available from a page

For major overhauls of existing pages, please refer to the Major web projects process, below.

To request a routine update

  1. Download and complete this form: Routine Update Request Form (MS Word)
  2. Attach the completed form and any associated materials to an email and send to '
    • Subject line should include your LOB/SO, followed by a brief description of your update (Example: "ATO: AJG Facility Guide update")
    • Make sure you CC your Web Liaison on this email

Our goal for turnaround time: 1 to 2 business days

Major web projects

A major web project requires the coordination of the content owner(s), the Web Liaison(s) for the LOB/SO(s) associated with the project, and AOC. We may also need to consult with IT Shared Services.

Depending on the complexity of your request, your project may take days or weeks to complete. With that in mind, we ask that you let us know about your needs as early as possible — even before you may know all the details.

Use this process for the following types of requests:

  • Major overhauls of existing pages (For light edits to existing pages, please refer to the routine webpage updates process, above.)
  • Creating a new section or sub-site on MyFAA
  • Consolidating or moving content
  • Adding content associated with new left navigation links
  • Developing web applications or pages with interactive elements

To request a major web project

  1. Download and complete this form: Web Project Request Form (MS Word)
  2. Attach the completed form to an email and send it to the appropriate Web Liaison, who will review your request.
    • Subject line should include your LOB/SO and a brief description of your project (Example: "AVS: New IT sub-site")
    • Your Web Liaison must approve the project before it can move forward.
  3. Ask your Web Liaison to forward the approved project request form along with associated documents to '
  4. An AOC web team member will be assigned to work with you directly on your project and will serve as your project coordinator. This person will:
    • Work with you to clarify the information in your project request form
    • Discuss the project requirements with you
    • Determine whether other support may be needed, such as a communications plan or collaboration with other LOBs/SOs to cross-promote your project
    • Figure out who else needs to be involved in the project, such as IT Shared Services or designer
    • Develop mockups or wireframes for review and approval, if needed
  5. Depending on the scope of the project and whether or not your LOB/SO already has an established working relationship with AOC, the Web Manager may be brought in at this point to discuss feasibility, costs, and expected completion date with you and/or your Web Liaison.
  6. Once your project has been approved and scheduled, we can begin work on it. If we do not already have the latest version of web content you or your team has developed, email a Word document with the content to your project coordinator.
  7. Your coordinator will edit the content document using revision marks and send it back to you for review.
    • There may be additional review cycles until both you and AOC consider the content ready for publishing.
  8. Your project coordinator (and possibly other staff) will add the content in the CMS authoring environment as specified.
  9. After AOC completes an internal review, your project coordinator will send you link(s) to your new, not-yet-live content so that you and your team can review it.
  10. If necessary, communicate any changes to your AOC project coordinator, who will make the edits and again alert you that the content is ready for review.
  11. Ask the appropriate people in your LOB/SO to review the work online. Once they have approved the project, ask your Web Liaison to contact AOC.
  12. AOC will publish your project on the live server and alert you that it is live.

For future updates to this published content, follow the process for routine webpage updates, above.

What if I find an issue on someone else’s page?

If you find a broken link or come across content that contains an error or is out of date, we want to hear from you!

The easiest way to get in touch with us is to click the "Problem with this page? Let us Know!" link in the footer of any page, and fill out the form.

For more information on how to help us improve all web content, see: FAA's Web Content Management System (CMS)

What do I do if I have a special request?

There are some services we provide that do not fit into the three types of requests (urgent, routine webpage updates, major web projects) described above.

Please talk with your Web Liaison who will then email us at ' to request the following services:

  • Web developer registration
  • Content owner registration
  • Access to the CMS authoring system
  • Domain name
  • Go URL
  • Keyword search term
  • Left navigation item
  • GovDelivery subscription service for a page
  • Web data analysis (Omniture/SiteCatalyst)

Page last modified: April 24, 2014 4:03:19 PM EDT