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Orders & Notices

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Orders & Notices search results
Type Number Title Status Office Date
Order 6884.1 Siting Criteria for Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) Active AJM-32
Order 6750.47 End-Fire Glide Slope Antenna Installation Drawings Active AJM-32
Order 6780.8 Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) Installation Standards Handbook Type FA-9783 Active AJM-32
Order 6820.9 VOR, VOR/DME, VORTAC Installation Standard Drawings Active AJM-32
Order 6530.8 VHF/DF Installation Standards Handbook Active AJM-32
Order JO 7210.629D Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD) Weather and Radar Processor (WARP) Selectable Mosaic Generator (SMG) and the process to change an En Route Automation Modernization (ERAM), Micro En Route Automated Radar Tracking System (MEARTS), and Advanced Technological Oceanic Procedures (ATOP) precipitation altitude strata and the corresponding Weather Filter Setting key label Active AJM-32
Order 6850.37 Visual Guidance Lighting Equipment Approval Program Active AJM-32
Order 6700.19 Powerline Construction or Alteration in the Vicinity of Vor Facilities Active AJM-32
Order 6740.3 Support Drawings for Nondirectional Beacon Installation Active AJM-32
Order 6740.4 Nondirectional Beacon (NDB) Installation Standards Handbook Active AJM-32
Order 6750.54 Electronic Installation Instructions for Instrument Landing System (ILS) Facilities Active AJM-32
Order 6820.10 VOR, VOR/DME and VORTAC Siting Criteria Active AJM-32
Order 6850.22 Fiberglass Low-Impact Resistant (LIR) Structures for Approach Lighting Systems Active AJM-32
Order 6780.5 DME Installation Standards Handbook Type FA-96-39 Active AJM-32
Order 6810.2 Very High Frequency (VHF) Omnirange Test (VOT) Siting Criteria Active AJM-32
Order 6790.12 Double Sideband Doppler VOR Installation Standards Handbook Active AJM-32