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Orders & Notices

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Orders & Notices search results
Type Number Title Status Office Date
Order 1500.9A Tour Renewal Agreement Travel, Public Laws 83-737, 97-253, and 97-346 Active AAL-10
Order 1020.1A Transition to the Metric System Active APO-120
Order 1100.136 Implementing Actions in Response to New Legislation and Reorganization Plans Active APL-1
Order 1100.154A Delegations of Authority Active AFM-130
Order 1100.157A National Systems Engineering Divisions Maintenance Program Procedures, Operational Support (AOS) Active AJW-161
Order 1380.28B Staffing Standards - Flight Standards Field Regulatory Programs Active AVS-14
Order 1800.13D Strategic Planning Active APO-120
Order 1770.11C Mail Management Standards and Procedures Active APM-400
Order PI 1910.1 Emergency Operations Plan for the Asst. Admin. for Policy, Planning and International Aviation Active API-10
Order 1830.1B Policy for Non-FAA User and Foreign Correspondent Access to FAA Operational Telecommunication Active AJM-31
Order 1830.6B Telecommunications Asset Management Active AJM-31
Order 1830.8 Federal Telecommunications System Calling Cards and General Government Telephone Usage Active AJM-31
Order 1830.5 FAA Voice Privacy Program Active AJM-31
Order AC 1370.7 Use and Dissemination of Broadcast Messages at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center Active AMI-600
Order ST 1910.1 Supplemental Continuity of Operation (COOP) Active AST-200
Order 1400.12 Processing Accommodation Requests for People With Disablities Active ACR-6
Order 1210.20 American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal Consultation Policy and Procedures. Active AEE-200
Order 1370.117 National Airspace System (NAS) Internet Protocol (IP) Addressing Policy Active AJW-0
Order FAA 1050.16A Implementation Guidance for Storage Tank (TANK) Systems Active AJW-221
Order NG 1780.3 Technical Center Conference Rooms, Training Rooms, Auditorium and Atrium Use and Management Active ANG-E3
Order SO 1200.5D Southern Region Local Coordinator Program Active ASO-1
Order 1270.1A Freedom of Information Act Program (FOIA) Active AFN-400
Order JO 1370.118 Air Traffic Organization Wireless Policy Active AJG-0
Order 1800.6C Unsatisfactory Condition Report Active AJW-23
Order AC 1330.2L Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center Forms Management Program Active AMC-3
Order JO 1900.4F Flight Inspection Services Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) Active AJW-331
Order FN 1370.119 Office of Finance and Management (AFN) Wireless Policy Active AIT-1
Order 1240.14 Establishing Arrangements with Bilateral Partners Active AIR-400
Order JO 1370.96 ATO System Access Control Active AJW-B4
Order JO 1370.97 Use of Non-FAA Workstations Active AJW-B4
Order JO 1370.101 ATO Information Security Incident Reporting and Response Policy Active AJW-B4
Order AC 1900.12C MMAC Emergency Operations Plan Active AMP-300
Order 1650.20A Support for Sensitive National Defense and Sensitive Law Enforcement Operations Active AEO-300
Order 1110.110E Research, Engineering, and Development Advisory Committee Active ANG-E3
Order 1110.154 Establishment of Federal Aviation Administration Next Generation Facilities Special Program Management Office Active ANG-E3
Order SO 1360.6C Congressional Correspondence Active ASO-31
Order 1240.12 ATO's Process for Selecting U.S. Members to Serve on ICAO Panels, Study Groups and Task Forces Active AJR-F
Order EA 1900.1G FAA Eastern Region Emergency Operations Plan Active AEA-30
Order EA 1760.7 Policy on Smoking at Eastern Regional Office Active AEA-50
Order JO 1370.114 Implementation of FAA Telecommunications Infrastructure Services and IS Requirements in the NAS Active AJW-1930
Order 1600.55C Reporting Threats Against the President, Other Government Officials, and Visiting Dignitaries Active AXF-110
Order 1370.54 Management of the Internet Monitoring Functions in the Eastern Region Active ARC-23
Order 1600.75 Protecting Sensitive Unclassified Information (SUI) Active AXF-200
Order 1110.138A National Parks Overflights Advisory Group Aviation Rulemaking Committee Active AWP-1
Order 1360.16A FAA Correspondence Policy Active AOA-3
Order 1900.1G FAA Emergency Operations Plan Active AXE-500
Order 1200.3E Official Reception and Representation Expenses Active API-18
Order 1200.22E External Requests for National Airspace System (NAS) Data Active AJR-0
Order 1400.8A Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Program Active ACR-1
Order JO 1053.3 ATO Energy Efficient and Sustainable New Construction and Major Renovation Active AJW-23
Order JO 1030.7A Air Traffic Organization Fatigue Risk Management Active AJI-1
Order EA 1910.2C Eastern Region Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) Active AEA-30
Order 1350.14B Records Management Active ASP-110
Order JO 1030.3B Initial Event Response Active AJI-1
Order NG 1600.16H Technical Center Key Control Procedures Active ANG-E3
Order SH 1600.71B Office of Security and Hazardous Materials Safety Special Agent Credentials, Badges, and Job Specific Credentials Active AXP-100
Order 1050.19C Environmental Due Diligence in the Conduct of FAA Real Property Transactions with Change 1 Active AEE-400
Order 1240.13 FAA Export Control Compliance Active API-1
Order 1110.157 Charter of the Drone Advisory Committee Active ANG-1
Order NG 1100.172 Office of the Assistant Administrator for NextGen Organization Active ANG-1
Order FAA 1800.66A Configuration Management Policy Active AJW-183
Order JO 1050.23A Restriction on Peak Shaving Agreements Active AJW-23
Order 1110.77X RTCA Charter Active ANG-1
Order JO 1050.20B Management of Asbestos at Air Traffic Organization (ATO) Facilities Active AJW-23
Order 1050.15B Fuel Storage Tank Systems at FAA Facilities Active AEE-1
Order AC 1900.13D Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) Active AMP-300
Order 1720.37A FAA Print Management Active AEM-1
Order SH 1600.83 Law Enforcement Assistance Program Handbook Active ASH-1
Order AC 1370.9A Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center Analog Line Policy Active AMK-222
Order JO 1050.17B Environmental Compliance at Air Traffic Organization Facilities Active AJW-23
Order 1600.84 FAA Defensive Counterintelligence Program Active ASH-1
Order 1770.68 Selection and Use of Time and Frequency Sources for all Systems, Services, and Applications Supporting NAS Operations Active ANG-B
Order 1100.87G Routing Symbol Standards Active AFM-1
Order JO 1000.37C Air Traffic Organization Safety Management System with Change 1 Active AJI-0
Order NG 1000.44B NextGen Safety Management System Active ANG-B
Order AC 1600.21I Mike Monroney Aeronautical Facility Security Plan Active AMP-300
Order AC 1600.86 MMAC Visitor Control Policy Active AMP-300
Order AC 1600.87 MMAC Vehicle Registration, Parking and Traffic Control Active AMP-300
Order JO 1110.104H Technical Operations Supervisor's Committee Active AJW-E
Order JO 1050.22A Environmental Management System for the Air Traffic Organization Active AJW-231
Order 1600.38G Office of Investigations (AXI) Duties and Investigative Responsibilities with Change 1 Active AXI-500
Order 1200.8D FAA Public Information Activities and Programs Active AOC-100
Order 1370.127 FAA Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) Policy Active ASP-110
Order IR 1370.122A Aircraft Certification Service (AIR) Information Technology (IT) Agility Active AIR-900
Order 1400.9B Standards and Procedures Essential for Ensuring Access to Airport Facilities by Persons with Disabilities Active ACR-1
Order 1600.1F Personnel Security Program Active ASH-1
Order 1370.121B FAA Information Security and Privacy: Policy Active AIS-1
Order 1400.11A Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Active ACR-1
Order JO 1920.5B Technical Operations Field Incident Response (FIR) Active AJW-B
Order AC 1050.4D Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center Spill Prevention, Controls and Countermeasures Plan Active AMP-100
Order 1240.17 FAA International Governance Active APL-1
Order JO 1370.128 National Airspace System (NAS) Cybersecurity Incident Detection, Reporting and Response Policy Active AJW-B41
Order JO 1110.90K Air Traffic Supervisors’ Committee (SUPCOM) Active AJT-0
Order 1600.25F Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Official Credentials and Shields Active AXP-100
Order 1600.69D FAA Facility Security Management Program Active AXF-110
Notice 1370.51 Use of Generative AI Tools and Services Active ADO-210
Order VS 1100.2C Managing AVS Delegation Programs Active AVS-60
Order VS 1900.1 AVS Emergency Management-Supplement 1 Active AFB-100
Order 1054.1B Environmental Network and Environmental Forum Active AEE-400
Order 1100.161B Air Traffic Safety Oversight Active AOV-1
Order FS 1100.1H Flight Standards Service Organizational Handbook with Change 1 Active AQS-100
Order 1800.56Y National Flight Standards Work Program Guidelines (NPG) Active AFS-900
Order 1100.25E Redelegation of Authority to Admin. Oath of Office & Verify Employment Eligibility for New Employees Active AAL-14
Order 1240.1 Request for Asylum Active AAL-7
Order WA 1700.3A FAA Parking Procedures in Washington Headquarters Active APM-100
Order 1220.1 Responsibility for Reports to Congress Active AGI-7
Order 1050.11A Noise Control Planning Active AEE-300
Order RP 1000.1B Airports Administrative Operating Procedures Active ARP-10
Order 1100.128 Implementation of Noise Type Certification Standards Active AFS-120
Order 1240.9 International Aviation Programs Active API-1
Order 1380.26A Cross Utilization of Regional F&E and Operations Funded Manpower Active AJW-7
Order 1400.10 Equal Employment Opportunity Mediation Program Active ACR-5
Order 1530.1 Transit Benefit Program Active APM-100
Order 1600.24D Listening-In to or Recording Conversations on Telephone or Telecommunications Systems Active AXI-500
Order 1720.36 Procedures for Printing, Duplicating and Copying Active APM-300
Order 1830.3A Telecommunications Management and Operations Policy Active AJM-31
Order 1990.1 FAA National Command and Control System Active AEO-400
Order 1200.21B Intergovernmental Review of FAA Programs and Activities Active APO-120
Order 1800.14H Airway Facilities Evaluation Program Active AJW-81
Order 1400.3 Discrimination Complaint Settlement Agreements Active ASO-7
Order 1600.6E Facility Security Policy Active AXF-110
Order 1070.1A FAA Hotline Program with Change 1 and 2 Active AAE-1
Order 1050.1F Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures Active AEE-400
Order 1110.153B Rulemaking Management Council Charter Active ARM-1
Order 1320.46D FAA Advisory Circular System Active ASP-110
Order 1050.10D Environmental Pollution Control and Abatement at FAA Facilities Active AEE-1
Order 1910.1K FAA Continuity Program Active ASH-1
Order EA 1100.165A FAA Eastern Region Office of Regions and Center Operations (ARC) Organization Active AEA-1
Order 1760.7E Mail Operations Active ASW-33
Order SW 1050.3C Coordination of Noise Compatibility Plans and Programs and Environmental Documents Active ASW-600
Order 1600.2F Classified National Security Information (CNSI) Active AXF-200
Order NG 1730.1A Use and Management of the WJH Technical Center’s Bulletin Boards, Digital Signage Displays and Broadcast Messages Active ANG-E3
Order 1320.1E FAA Directives Management Active ASP-110
Order JO 1370.98 ATO Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure Requirements for Non-FAA Connectivity Active AJW-B4
Order JO 1370.99 ATO NAS Information Systems Security Patch Management Active AJW-B4
Order 1600.76 Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Program Management Active AXE-300
Order 1240.11 Assessing Compliance with ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and Implementing their Provisions Active API-1
Order 1360.7K Congressional Correspondence Active AEA-1
Order EA 1200.3C Contacts With Congressional and Other Elected Officials Active AEA-30
Order 1600.79 Crisis Management Team (CMT) Active ACE-1
Order 1200.14C Visits to Field Offices and Facilities by Elected Officials Active AGI-3
Order NG 1770.19B William J. Hughes Technical Center Mail Service Active ANG-E3
Order 1050.21A Environmental Management Systems (EMSs) Active AEE-1
Order 1100.167B The Office of Audit and Evaluation Active AAE-1
Order 1830.10 Managing New Telecommunications Requirements Active AJM-31
Order JO 1320.61 Air Traffic Organization Customer Interface & Message Continuity Policy Active AJR-0
Order 1600.12D Techincal Surveillance Countermeasures Program Active AXE-300
Order 1830.9A Cellular/Satellite Device Acquisition and Management Active AMK-222
Order NM 1900.1G FAA Northwest Mountain Emergency Operations Plan Active ANM-40
Order CT 1050.2C WJH Technical Center-Wide Recycling Program Active ANG-E3
Order JC 1030.6A Safety Management System Implementation for Central Service Area Technical Operations Active AJW-C
Order JO 1320.62 Air Traffic Organization Directives Management Active AJG-0
Order 1220.2G FAA Procedures for Handling National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Recommendations Active AVP-1
Order 1050.14B Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in the National Airspace System Active AEE-1
Order 1600.8G Communications Security (COMSEC) Active AXE-300
Order AC 1350.24C Aeronautical Center Records Management Program Active AMC-3
Order JO 1300.21A Safety and Technical Training Quality Management System Active AJI-0
Order AC 1770.5J Communications Services Active AMK-222
Order 1110.156 Charter of the NextGen Advisory Committee Active ANG-1
Order 1240.15 FAA International Governance Structure and Technical Assistance Request Process with Change 1 Active APL-1
Order 1053.1C Energy and Water Management Program for FAA Buildings and Facilities Active AEE-1
Order EA 1050.4B Regional Environmental Network Active AEA-1
Order 1110.125B Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Accountability Board Active AHA-1
Order 1600.61C International Travel Security Program with Change 1 Active AXI-300
Order 1600.78A Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Card and Other Identification Cards Active AXP-200
Order NG 1810.8B William J. Hughes Technical Center’s Test and Evaluation Policy Active ANG-E
Order HR 1100.169B Office of Human Resource Management (AHR) Active AHR-1
Order NG 1050.3C Technical Center Prohibitions on the Disposal of Waste Active ANG-E3
Order FAA 1375.8 Guidance for Implementing Standardized Maintenance and Monitoring Data Exchanges (MMIXM) Active AJW-164
Order JO 1910.17 Management Services in Oklahoma City Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) Active AJG-R2T2
Order JO 1370.123 National Airspace System (NAS) Identity and Access Management (IAM) Policy Active AJW-B4
Order JO 1050.24 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permitting as it Pertains to Construction Activities Active AJW-233
Order 1240.16 FAA Participation in ICAO Panels and Technical Groups Active API-1
Order 1370.120A Section 508 Accessibility Policy Active ASP-110
Order JO 1370.124 National Airspace System (NAS) Wireless Use Active AJM-3
Order 1250.2B FAA Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Aviation and Space Education Program (STEM AVSED) Active APL-11
Order 1100.1C FAA Organization – Policies and Standards Active AFM-1
Order AC 1600.85 MMAC Key Control Policy Active AMP-300
Order VS 1300.2F Aviation Safety (AVS) Quality Management System (QMS) Active AQS-100
Order 1600.82A Insider Threat Detection and Mitigation Program Active AXI-320
Order JO 1320.58D Instructions for Writing Notices, Maintenance Technical Handbooks, and System Support Directives Active AJW-161
Order SH 1600.20D Office of Investigations (AXI) Active AXI-500
Order RP 1910.1J Office of Airports (ARP) Continuity of Operations (COOP) Plan Active AAS-1
Order 1375.1F Data and Information Management Policy Active ADO-001
Order PI 1300.22 Office of International Affairs (API) Business Management System (BMS) Active API-1
Order 1050.18A Use of Ozone Depleting Substances and Regulated Greenhouse Gases at FAA Facilities Active AEE-1
Order FN 1100.168C Delegation of Authority – Office of Finance and Management Active AFN-1
Order NM 1220.1H Contacts with Congressional and Other Elected Officials Active ANM-030
Order GC 1100.170C Office of the Chief Counsel Active AGC-1
Order 1330.1C FAA Forms Management Active ASP-110
Order 1770.34A FAA National Mail Program Metered and Other Mail Program Implementation Active APM-300
Order 1240.18 FAA International Agreements, International Contracts, and Non-Binding Instruments Active APL-1
Order AC 1730.4H Bulletin Boards Active AMP-1
Order 1000.36A FAA Writing Standards Active AOC-10
Notice JO 1000.31 Application of the Acceptable Level of Risk (ALR) to Space Missions in the National Airspace System (NAS) Active AJI-3
Notice JO 1030.4 Notice of Revision to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Order JO 1030.3B, Initial Event Response Active AJI-1
Order AC 1600.27F Procedures for Responding to Violence at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center (MMAC) Active AMP-1
Order JO 1900.47G Air Traffic Control Operational Readiness and Contingency Planning Active AJR-0
Order JO 1030.1D Air Traffic Organization Safety Guidance Active AJI-31
Order 1700.6D FAA Branding Policy, Use of the FAA Logo, FAA Signature and DOT Seal Active AOC-200
Notice JO 1200.21 Continuation of Multiple Pen and Ink Changes to FAA Order 1200.22E Active AJR-2
Order VS 1910.1B AVS Continuity of Operations Plan-Supplement 1 (1910.1 VS SUP 1) Active AFB-140
Order IT 1100.171B Office of Information and Technology (AIT) Organization Active ASP-110