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Website Colors and Their Accessibility

The image below shows the FAA's official brand colors, as well as allowed complimentary colors. It includes the approximate RGB color codes. If you would like to use other color accents, you first must get permission from AOC's Web Management Office.

FAA color palette

Colors and Accessibility

To make sure that text is readable online — including text that is part of an image or a video — it must provide enough contrast between the background color and the text color.

We follow contrast guideline 1.4.3 in the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) 2.0 Checklist:

  • Text and images of text must have a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1.
  • Large text (over 18 point or 14 point bold) must have a contrast ratio of at least 3:1

To check the contrast ratio between text and background colors that you plan to use, we recommend that you use this online tool:

Page last modified: May 14, 2013 4:25:51 PM EDT